Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Countdown Has Begun!!!

Well, we now have less than six, yes six months left here on our little island in the middle of the ocean. I really can't believe how quickly our time here has gone. It probably has a ton to do with how busy Nate and I have kept ourselves and also... we have really great friends here.

We were back in the states for 32 days in Nov/Dec this year, and it was great! Really makes me look forward to our move back! We spent Thanksgiving with our families, but the majority of time was spent traveling all over tarnation for Nate's residency interviews. (He's applying to pediatric dentistry residencies.)

So, Christmas has passed and new years is right around the corner. I must admit, I am really happy that this is our last year to spend the holidays so far from home! As great as everyone here is... it's just not the same.

Now it's crunch time to fit in all that we need/want to do before we head back to US soil... so perfect time to come up with a list!

Find out where we are moving.
Deborah visits.
Sell a bunch of stuff at the flee market.
Vietnam/Cambodia trip. Mar 2-9
Ishigaki Island trip aka... ClubMed. MLK weekend
China trip.
Ann visits?
Clean out closets one more time.
Whale watching tour.
Motorboat course.
Advance Open Water Diver course.
See more of the Ryukyu Golden Kings.

ETD from Oki... mid June. Nate's last day of military commitment is June 23, 2010! Orders should be arriving soon!


Amanda Marshall said...

Hi Laura!
I found your blog from OkinawaiHai, and I'm so glad I did! My husband and I are moving to Oki end of June/early July and you have a ton of great info on stuff to do in the outdoors on Oki - which we are so excited for! Anyways - I was thinking - we are planning on buying a scooter/motorcycle when we get there - so if you two are looking to sell yours - we'd love to talk to you about buying it off of you! :)
Thanks again for putting your blog on that site - its made me even more excited!

Hope you love your last months there!
~Amanda Marshall

Amanda Marshall said...

oops! I forgot to leave you my email address - sorry!

No worries if you guys are taking your scooter home with you or not selling it...was just a thought! :)