Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's been a while!

It is amazing how fast time flies. It is time to get back in the swing of blogging! Nate and I started off '09 with a trip home to Indiana. It was so wonderful to spend time with our friends and family. After our whirlwind trip back to Jasper, Nate and I split ways for about two weeks. He headed to San Diego for Continuing Education classes and I came back to Okinawa to get ready for my first Buy Trip to Thailand. After 10 very busy days in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, it was so nice to get back home with Nate and Monsy. Nate had a good time in San Diego and Thailand was amazing! I can't wait to back with Nate on a trip!

As most of our family and friends know.... Nate is going to be leaving this summer on a humanitarian mission called the "Pacific Partnership". He will be gone from mid to late May until early to mid September.

This is a link to an article about the 2009 mission:

Monsy and I are not the happiest of campers to have Nate gone... but we know it is going to be an amazing experience for him and we will keep busy here in Okinawa! I have started my new position at work and will be gone on 3 Buy Trips while Nate is out to sea this summer. I will be heading back to the Philippines in early June, back to Thailand in mid-late June, and China in August.

This picture was taken during the Cherry Blossom Festival on Okinawa right before our trip home. We took our trusty scooter on the hour drive up North to check out the amazing sites.