Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nate's going to be a pediatric dentist!

Medical University of South Carolina Pediatric Dentistry Residency

Yes, I am very proud of him! We are both looking very forward to the move back to the states... and especially since we are moving to Charleston! It's amazing.

photos via


so way back in December I posted a list of things left to do before we left... revisiting that list now!


Find out where we are moving.   Charleston, SC!! Yay! Nate's first choice for his pediatric dentistry residency... SO proud of him!

Deborah visits.   It was a wonderful visit!!

Sell a bunch of stuff at the flee market.  That was awesome!

Vietnam/Cambodia trip. Mar 2-9 This was awesome as well! LOVED Cambodia... Halong Bay in Vietnam was wonderful... Hanoi city tour could have done without. I mean, who really cares to see the pickled body of Ho Chi Minh? Not me.

Ishigaki Island trip aka... ClubMed. MLK weekend  This isnt' going to happen, I don't think :(

China trip.- this is being put on the back burner as well....

Ann visits?  YES! Ann & Craig arrive in Okinawa April 12th! woo hoo

Clean out closets one more time... I could do this weekly.  I love cleaning out closets, drawers, cabinets, you name it!

Whale watching tour.  Was awesome! The humpbacks migrate through the waters surrounding Okinawa for a couple of months... Feb-Mar time frame.

Motorboat course.  Complete! We are pretty sure Chiaki-san taught us good things. We are taking a boat out with Ann and Craig when they come... for some snorkeling & fish spearing.

Advance Open Water Diver course.  this is not going to happen either... we were aiming high.

See more of the Ryukyu Golden Kings.

Sell the scooter
Find a house in Charleston... hopefully one that is close to the beach!
Sell our cars
Order our new cars in the states!!!!
One last eye appointment so i can get some new specs and a contact prescription that doesn't make me cross my eyes (it's the little things)
Lots of paperwork/stuff to do to get Nate out of the military and move back to the lovely USA!
Get Monsy and Tootsa fly ready for the trip back!

it's official...

I am the worst blogger ever.