Friday, August 29, 2008


It was a very exciting day yesterday at the Seng apartment!
We finally had our household goods shipment delivered. We have been living in our apartment with very little furniture for the past month.
Monsy was very happy to have more places to lounge. He made himself right at home again at his usual old spot on the couch. He is so funny.

Things are still going great here! Nate really likes his clinic and is getting to do a lot of different dental procedures/things. I am going to have my first dental appointment with him since he was in dental school! I go in on Sept 8th, so I will be sure to report back on how that goes! haha
I really like my new job as well! The people who I work with are really great... and that makes it all the better!

More to come later... time to get packing up to head to a beach on the Northeast side of the island. It is a secluded beach that we hear is awesome... pictures to come later!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Internet, Beer Festival, Karaoke

We FINALLY got our internet set up today! It seems like we have been living without internet for ages, but it really has only been about 3 weeks. It is amazing how disconnected you feel from everyone!

We don't have our Vonage line set up quite yet... but we hope to have it up and running within a day!

We are so excited to be able to call & receive calls from everyone. It has been so long!

We went to the Orion Beer Festival this weekend, which was our Japanese version of Strassenfest this year. After the festival we had our first experience at a Japanese Karaoke Bar! It was SUCH a good time! We are definately not microphone shy!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Awesome Sunset

Last night we were out grilling & saw the coolest sunset from our place!
We have not seen a sunset like it since we have been here & wanted to share it!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

3 Weeks In!

We have been in Japan for a little over 3 weeks now! We apologize for not updating our site & emailing as much as we would like. As you can imagine... we have been very busy getting settled. Finding a new place to live, getting Japanese driver's licenses, getting new cars, moving in to the new place, Nate checking in to his new command.... and so on.... have kept our days very full.

We also do not have internet in our apartment yet. We thought it was going to get installed yesterday... but that was just our "inspection" for internet. Our new date for internet installation is Aug 26th. We should also have our Vonage phone line up and running that day. Once that is installed we will be able to call and receive calls from the US like a normal stateside number! We can't wait for that!!

We have been snorkeling and are getting ready to do a SCUBA certification. The coral reefs here are beautiful and can't wait to get in the water more! We got full-body wetsuits today. I need mine to keep warm & we both need them to protect from jellyfish. We have been told they are the worst they have been in years. Yikes.

We are really enjoying the Japanese cuisine! We love going out to eat with new friends & trying all sorts of interesting dishes. The price of going out to eat here is much more reasonable than what we were used to in South Carolina, so that is very nice! We were at one restaurant where no one spoke English... I am pretty sure we ended up eating a small bird egg, liver and some cartilage.

Monsy is a very happy kitty here in Japan... he really likes our new place and has his favorite spots to hide already. We have tile and hardwood floors so he slides around a lot when he is playing, but he is getting used to that! He is having some allergy problems, the vet said it has to do with the coral dust in the air. We are going to take him in next week to get checked out, just to make sure all is ok.

We will be sure to post pictures soon!