Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Typhoon Kompasu

After spending the majority of the day waiting for Typhoon Kompasu to hit (currently is), I have spent plenty of time on the internet. Go figure.
I have found that I have not posted a blog post in quite some time!

Lots has been happening here in Okinawa...

I recently got back from my last buy trip to Thailand. I have one more trip to China for work and that will be my last and final buy trip! Sad... but it's time.  My travels for the gift shop have included 4 trips to Thailand, 2 trips to the Philippines, 1 to Vietnam, and now 3 trips to China.

Nate was planning on deploying up to Camp Fuji today, but plans got delayed due to Kompasu's arrival. He should be heading out tomorrow or Thursday for a couple weeks. Despite the promise of having to climb Fuji for the second time this summer, he is VERY excited to head up to mainland. He has been told there will be opportunities for live fire, grenade throwing, etc... All things guys love to do!

We have about 10 months left on island! It truly has been amazing how quickly our time on our little island here has gone. We look forward to spending the last months here traveling, hosting visitors, & just enjoying this little place we call home for now!

Like I always say... I will do my best to keep up at posting!